API Lifecycle Manager
API Lifecyle Manager combines capabilities of two of our enterprise products: API Consumer Manager plus API Producer Manager (see product data sheets). It is designed for organizations that are net-consumer AND net-producer of APIs to expand product portfolio and market penetration via B2B or B2C transactions as part of their Digital Asset Monetization strategy. It helps consolidate all APIs (Open/Public and Private) in a single marketplace for better visibility, auditing and monetization purposes, while allowing fine-grained user/partner/org management.
"It was quickly established that API Lifecycle Manager was indeed the best solution to help the UNBC community with API management.”
–Mark Barnes, Director of Research, UNBC
A centralized private API marketplace that allows monitoring and audit of API usage, performance, billing etc. It provides a comprehensive solution to manage all API related artifacts necessary to optimize monetization.
API Lifecycle Manager comprises of eight technical modules.
Access thousands of Public, Open APIs in a single platform. Choose APIs based on analytics derived from 15000+ API’s, 10000+ Providers, 5000+ Categories, 30000+ terms of service.
• Search APIs (names, vendors & industries) | • Search APIs (natural language processing) |
• Access sample API responses & codes | • Make live calls & analyze API responses |
• Find API agreements & assess legal risks | • Conduct quality & data privacy (PII) analysis |
• Build & manage multiple API communities | • Control access privileges via policies & roles |
Discover embedded APIs in source codes by integrating scanning agents within your CI/CD processes for better transparency, workflow management and governance of APIs across multiple products.
• GUI tools for API Discovery | • IDE plugins for API Discovery |
• CICD integrations (CL) for API Discovery | • Analyze programs (API code snippets) |
• Detect URLs (in source codes) | • Specify target APIs to be discovered |
• Workflow management for API test | • Workflow management for API agreements |
Discover hidden APIs by analyzing HTTP traffic (passing through API gateways, and application servers). This is in contrast to source code scanning (when access to application is difficult/not possible).
• Deploy network agents to find hidden APIs | • Deploy multiple agents in a distributed way |
• Mark target APIs for discovery & analysis | • Test discovered APIs in real time |
• Find API details (vendors, ISPs, server locations, vulnerabilities, etc.) | • Set customized network parameters (API detection & reporting frequencies) |
• Consolidate results from multiple networks |
Discover embedded APIs in source codes by integrating scanning agents within your CI/CD processes for better transparency, workflow management and governance of APIs across multiple products.
• Perform OWASP top-10, CIS top-20 tests | • Customize selection of tests for specific APIs |
• Test multiple API authentication settings | • Upload fake IDs/Passwords/API-Keys |
• Perform API fuzzing via random inputs | • Analyze API (hosting) servers & metadata |
Framework to test various API configurations (header, body, parameter settings).
API Benchmark to compare API responses (in JSON, XML, Text, Audio, Videos, Images) and API quality (in speech recognition, text analysis, etc.) using various statistical techniques.
• Test APIs in a wide variety of settings | • Support for various authentications (API Keys, Basic Auth, OAuth, JWT) |
• Reuse & analyze history of API test cases | • Compare API responses in JSON & XML (containing texts, images, audios, videos) |
• Manage users, privileges & workflows | • Generate customized reports (PDF, CSV) |
• Collaborate on multiple API projects |
Consolidate all third-party APIs (used across all your applications) in a single marketplace for better transparency, auditing and billing purposes.
• Consolidate third-party API usage | • Audit third-party APIs for billing |
• Generate API usage and error report | • Generate API performance & quality |
• Improve API usage efficiency across various teams and products |
Access control all Open (publicly available) and Close (privately available) APIs to better manage their usage for digital and monetization strategies. Enforce policies and manage rate limits, key generation, partners and their users.
• Manage users (self-managed) | • Manage partners/organizations |
• Document and publish APIs | • Collaborate and collect feedback on APIs |
• Monitor teams and work progress | • Collaborate on Open Source projects |
• Build customized pricing plans | • Manage API keys at user & org levels |
High level analytics for CxOs on API usage, organizations and their users, API hosting locations. Drilling down capability to gain insights.
• API Consumption analytics | • API User analytics |
• API Community analytics | • API server/ISP distributions |
• API usage drill-down capabilities | • API billing audit (of multiple vendors) |